Spruce Pine is a outdoor enthusiasts adventure destination. In one weekend you can explore three great mountain towns in the center of North Carolina’s famous three peaks. Cyclists love this area for the beautiful views and the exciting climbs and curves. Located in Spruce Pine, North Carolina, the North Toe River stretches all the way north and holds an impressive population of trout in the northern sections from Spruce Pine and up river.
Warm water rushes through the flumes. Hands are filled with gritty sand as they run over the top of the mesh mining pan. Something small, smooth, and unexpected is under the hand. Water quickly washes it off and there it is…a small but perfect gem. This is what being in the mining capital of the world is all about. The Spruce Pine area is best known for its world-class mining and has been touted as the “most important mining district in the world,”
Every golfer hates landing in a bunker, but the best golf course bunkers have sand from Spruce Pine. It’s called “Spruce Pine sand,” named for the mining district in Western North Carolina in which it’s found. It’s actually quartz, and it’s so pure that it prevents golf balls from burrowing into devious lies. It also plays a major role in computer technology. Its pureness was such that Spruce Pine quartz is used in manufacturing semiconductors; computer chips throughout the world contain it.
Spruce Pine - It’s “gem” of the mountains, with colorful downtown with shopping, galleries, eclectic dining, a brand new brewery, and the Toe River running right through downtown! Explore this town, located in the center of the three peaks, and have one great mountain escape!