Bouse has what residents call a unique flavor. It is a town that goes from 875 people to several thousand as travelers settle in the area for the winter months. The historical link between mining and the Bouse area is unquestionable. This region was the top secret location of Camp Bouse during the early 1940s while the rest of the world dealt with WWII, in total contrast to the nearby Japanese Internment Camp of Poston.
Today, Bouse is most popular in the winter months, when thousands of people descend to the region to escape the cold. RVers, known as “snow birds” fill the local campgrounds, or dry camp (no water or other amenities) on BLM land. Recreational opportunities, besides the mining or exploring its military history, include seeking semi-precious rocks and minerals, off-road vehicle fun, and boating on the Colorado River, located about 30 minutes from Bouse.